In-Office Teeth Whitening

Denver, CO

Are you a Denver, CO resident seeking a Hollywood smile? Experience the transformation with our exceptional In-Office Teeth Whitening services here at Denver Dream Dentistry.

What Is In-Office Teeth Whitening?

In-office or professional teeth whitening, as the name implies, is a cosmetic dental procedure produced by a licensed dentist to whiten or brighten your teeth. The process involves applying a potent bleaching agent to your teeth and rinsing it off multiple times until your teeth attain the desired color.

Note: While the treatment whitens your teeth, the results aren’t permanent and patients require follow-up appointments yearly or every six months.

The Benefits of In-Office Teeth Whitening

Improves The Appearance Of Your Smile

The most noteworthy benefit of in-office teeth whitening is that it improves the appearance of your smile, which is your face’s most notable feature. The treatment eliminates ugly stains and discoloration that ruin your smile, giving you spotless teeth and a lovely smile.

Boost Your Confidence

In-office teeth whitening is also a great way to boost your confidence and enhance your social life. Discolored teeth can make you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable in social situations. Whitening the teeth eliminates discoloration, allowing you to thrive in social situations.

The In-Office Teeth Whitening Process

Did You Know?

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dental procedure in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

No, in-office teeth whitening doesn’t hurt at all. The dentist will use a rubber dam or protective gel to prevent the gums from coming in contact with the harsh bleaching agent. However, it’s common for patients to experience mild teeth sensitivity after treatment. This sensitivity goes away on its own after a few days.

In-office teeth whitening whitens your teeth up to eight shades lighter depending on the initial shade of your teeth and the whitening agent employed. You can always ask the dentist to repeat the process if you want more whiter teeth.

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