Dental Implants

Denver, CO

A missing tooth means you’re missing out on more than just smiling. It can have a negative impact on your confidence and your overall well being, too. Dental implants can help you eat, laugh, and talk with ease once again.

Why Should I Choose Dental Implants?

After losing a tooth or having one extracted, it’s important to consider all your replacement options. Dental implants in Denver, CO can restore the functionality of your bite and improve your overall oral health. As one of the most secure and long-lasting tooth replacement options available, dental implants act as a natural part of your smile and replace that missing tooth you’ve been hiding.

The Benefits Of Dental Implants

Unparalleled Comfort

Implants function and feel just like natural teeth so you can brush, floss, and eat normally.

Natural Look

Your implant will be crafted to fit seamlessly with your smile and will look exactly like a real tooth.

Preserve Your Oral Health

Implants are made of biocompatible titanium which fuses to your jaw, thus preventing bone deterioration associated with tooth loss.

No Guess-Work, More Comfort

With cone-beam computed tomography, or CBCT technology, we give our patients peace of mind. This reliable technology ensures precise placement for increased patient comfort and better overall outcomes.

All-On-X Implants

Looking to replace an entire arch of teeth? Our doctor specializes in All-on-X implants, renewing your smile with four to six durable, natural-looking implants in as little as one appointment.

Full-Mouth Rehabilitation

Full-mouth rehabilitation is not a single dental treatment. It’s a variety of customized procedures performed over time — all done with the goal of restoring your overall oral health and confidence.

Pathway-Trained Provider

Our doctor is passionate about staying up to date on the latest treatment methods and technology. That’s why they have attended advanced courses and live training through The Pathway, one of the nation’s most renowned continuing education courses for dental implants.

The Implant Treatment Process

Did You Know?

Unlike dentures which require replacements, dental implants can potentially last a lifetime.

Dental Implants FAQs

The placement of the implant itself is done under local anesthesia paired with sedation, and patients typically experience no discomfort during the procedure. Any post-operative pain can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

The length of the process can vary depending on individual healing times, but it usually takes between three and six months from start to finish.

Yes! Dental implants function just like natural teeth, so you can eat all your favorite foods without any restrictions.

Absolutely! Just like with natural teeth, good oral hygiene and regular check-ups are important for maintaining the health of your dental implants.

While the initial cost may be higher compared to other tooth replacement options, dental implants are a long-term investment in your oral health. They have a high success rate and can last a lifetime with proper care — saving money in the long run.

Dental implants can still be an option for you! Our experienced team will assess your individual situation and determine the best course of treatment to restore both your smile and oral health. Sometimes, additional procedures such as bone grafting or disease treatment may be necessary before getting dental implants.

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